So, I’m asking you to come along with me as I create a graphic novel in this space.
I’m asking you to come along with me as I create a graphic novel.
I’ll let you in on a little secret—this is my first graphic novel—but don’t tell anyone, seriously shhh. I’ve done two children’s books, and one adult coloring book. And have 20+ years of graphic design work under my belt...
But, this is by far my most ambitious story based project. I expect there to be at least 1200 individual panels, each one will have countless revisions and tweaks. Plus, there is the story development, which is no small feat and something I will be learning along the way. If you decide to join this journey I can guarantee that my missteps will provide you with a few good head shakes and maybe a “come look at this idiot” moment or seven.
At this time, I’m sure you are wondering what this graphic novel will be about. Well, let me tell you...
Chasm Moon
On Chasm, a moon divided nearly in half due to mining for Nishati the energy source for interspace travel, Oogie Riff is hired to find a serial killer—while trying to keep his marriage alive.
This is my one sentence summery as of now. It has evolved and will continue to evolve. I’m set on the location, Chasm and the basic storyline of Oogie chasing after a serial killer.
In the next few posts I will begin to share with you the characters I have so far. I would love to hear your thoughts on those characters. Also, I plan on sharing different drawing techniques and coloring styles I think might work. Right now, I have a logo for the graphic novel (see above), but that is subject to change as well. The best thing about this project is trying out new things and you. I want you to be part of this project. Send your comments to me via the contact page. Let’s try things that will fail and things that will succeed, we are on a journey after all. A big success journey.